Monday 19 February 2018

Why I Think That A Jelsa Movie Is A Better Idea Than You Think...Part 2

 How Rivalry Could Play A Part...

This is going to be split into three sections;
  1. How Rivalry Could Tare The Film Apart
  2. Why They Would Not Do This
  3. How Rivalry Could Make The Film A Smash Hit
So you'll be able to look at what you want but I think that I should start at the pessimistic scenario. That way, we can get it out of the way so that we can focus on the good scenario. So any way, I will get on with it.
How Rivalry Could Tare It Apart;

Well, let's imagine that they got together and they ended up arguing about what they wanted to do until they leave the meeting with a huff without any plot. They could do this for a few weeks or months until they just give up and go home without any movie.
Another way that things could go sideways is by just filling the movie with fan service without paying any attention to how the plot shout play out and has an ending that would not do what this kind of movie would call for.
Another way that this could go sideways is by just getting the film together and get it out just do get it out of the way and move back to their own things. In this scenario the film would be rushed and it would be visually obvious.

Why They Would Not Do This;

Simple answer YOU. You would know if these companies would put out a film to die. You would know if they hadn't have at least tried to put their hearts into the film. You would know fan service when you saw it and you would expect them to come up with a good plot. You would know if the movie would be rushed because you are that eagle eyed. Hell some of you can spot Easter eggs like Tooth spots teeth or Sven spots carrots!
With that in mind, they would know this and they would feel your pressure to make sure that the movie is good. They would also know that if they did not at least try to make a good movie it would be a bad reflection on them. They would also know that this would then lead the all important income-I mean fans leaving and them loosing that all important pay cheque-I mean reputation. Thus ending up like 4 Kids.
So to wrap this part up if they did try this then both Disney and DreamWorks reputation will take a hit, they would hear what you had to say and so they would want to avoid tearing the film apart.

How Rivalry Could Make The Film A Smash Hit!

Well let me star by saying this, when two rivals get together, you know thing major in going to go down! For they would want the film to do well, they would want to out do the other by bringing their best ideas to the table for the movie. Then they would also be trying to make the best ideas of the others better.
Then when they're finished, they'll then be doing their advertising. With that and word of mouth/ word of typing (usually social media) the presence of the movie will be known. With everyone talking, and the advertising, this would give way to curiosity. Then after the film is released there would be an audience. This audience will continue the talking until more people come.
...Oh, and the brands names too! Can't forget about that!

Anyway, sorry that this is a week late, I was ill. So thank you for your patience and if you're a Yami Storter see you next week with the next instalment of the Weather Incarnates and if you're a B.A.C.C.M.M.L.ater you'll see me in two weeks with the next instalment of this theory, which will be a short view on what a solo movie would be like.