Friday 24 June 2022

Hunter X Hunter Part Five

 The Future Theories

(I do not own these images, nor do I own Hunter X Hunter. These are a set of theories I have, take them as seriously as you wish!)

Spider X Scorn

This theory is that by the end of the manga the Spider will scorn all the main protagonists with Kurapika already having his scorn, the next was Hisoka and Gon, Killua and Leoreo yet to have theirs. For Killua it will probably be the Spider killing either Kalluto or maybe Illumi (after Illumi tries to break out of his family's control) for Leoreo is being placed in a situation where he can not save anyone or has to choose to save someone.

The reasoning behind this is that it seems like Me Togashi seems to be ticking off the protagonist's scorn, like Kurapika had his scorn first. Then it seemed like the fight between Chrollo and Hisoka seemed to come out of nowhere and Mr Togashi has stated that Kurapika will die in the fight between him and the Spider. (Although I think that some of the Spider will survive by the time the battle is over)

Hisoka X Ging

This theory is that Ging will help train Hisoka to defeat Chrollo. This comes from the fact that I can see Ging train Hisoka, after all he did train Razer so, for Ging, morality is not one hundred percent a factor on if he trains you. I would also like to highlight on the cover of Hunter X Hunter volume thirty two, on Ging's shoulder is a grinning ginger cat, and I would like to ask you; who is affiliated with cats that have hair that colour? Also I would like to bring your attention to the fact that Ging and Chrollo have similar abilities. Which would make for great training for Hisoka to train to fight Chrollo.

Chrollo X Kurapika X Lie

This theory is that Chrollo and Kurapika will meet sometime and Chrollo will try to recruit Kurapika as a temporary member of the Phantom Troupe by telling him what happened during the fight between him and Hisoka and what happened after. He will them point out that him and his friends would be one of Hisoka's target and would sweeten the deal further by offering himself up to take all the responsibility of all the Phantom Troupe have done and that he would allow himself to be used as a sacrifice for all the sins the Spider has fine only for this to be a deadly lie.

The reason I think this is because Chrollo would come to the conclusion that in order to take down Hisoka he will need someone who knows Hisoka just like he does and would need someone just as smart as him to find a way to lure him out. I also think that there must have been more behind Mr Togashi letting Kurapika capture Chrollo other than getting Gon and Killua back. This would have been giving Chrollo the necessary information to know what makes Kurapika tick.

Also Chrollo seems to be an anti-christ figure so even though he will seem to be like Jesus, mimicking his sacrifice bit lacing this with lies. In fact the more you look at what he did the more he seems to follow this pattern, including defending Judas Iscariot.

Yet another thing that Mr Togashi also loves to do is subvert expectations and this would.

Gon X Black Whale X Shizuku

This theory I will start by asking you to answer these questions. One, is Pariston the kind of person who would kidnap somebody's kid? Two would he put that kid on a dangerous journey to an even more dangerous destination? And three would you think he would only do this just to get at them? If the answer is yes to all three read on for a very chilling theory.

The theory is that Gon is already on the Black Whale One and it was Pariston that put him there. Basically that sometime before setting off for the Dark Continent Pariston sedated and kidnapped Gon and is currently keeping him heavily sedated in the cargo. Only to reveal him to his father at the right moment.

Here he will be discovered by none other than Shizuku, who will be looking for something to steal. Then she will be discovered by none other than Pariston Hill, who will confront her and she will offer to stay in with the cargo in order to keep Gon from being lonely. He will agree to let her stay in order to make her drop her guard and when she turns her back…he…will…kill her!

The reason why I think this is because Pariston has declared that he hates Ging, so naturally he would want to use Gon to hurt Ging in some way just to get at him. Putting kidnapping him on a dangerous journey without the ability to use nen would just do that. Then putting more pressure on the man by ensuring that he has to worry about his son and stopping Pariston.

Then there is Shizuku, who Mr Togashi seems to be making a link between Gon and Shizuku such as it was Shizuku that Gon first met and arm wrestled with that was a member of the Spider, (not including Hisoka as he was a false member) also there was the fact that when they were captured the second time Gon was held by Shizuku and in the failed attempt of escaping Nobunaga after catching Gon he gave the boy over to Shizuku. So would it not make sense that her end would be connected to Gon? 

Also her prophecy spoke of black cargo, which could be the cargo on the Black Whale One,  but it could also mean stolen goods or human trafficking? So why not all of the above? And why would she offer herself to the dead? Unless she was offering herself to keep the living from being lonely. Not to mention she would be expecting either Hisoka or Kurapika to try to kill her so it would not occur to her to think that someone else could or would do it?

Friday 17 June 2022

Hunter X Hunter Part Four

 The Theories I Agree With

(I do not own these images, nor do I own Hunter X Hunter. These are a set of theories I agree with, take them as seriously as you wish!)

Gon X Specialist

This theory is basically that Gon's nen type had changed to a Specialist. Even though I originally thought that Gon's nen type has changed since the Chimera Ant arc, I originally thought it would be either a transmuter or an emitter although having watched this I now stand with this line of thinking. I also think that he will develop something else than his Ging, yet he could still be in the mark. I also think that, even though he did seem like the Gon we knew from arcs before, it would not be surprising if it was revealed that Gon had put on an act in front of Killua, just to make him feel better.

Hisoka X Illumi

This theory is that Illumi, who had recently joined the Phantom Troupe, is actually Hisoka in disguise. I agree with this theory because looking at the evidence presented in this video is completely overwhelming, to a point that it is chilling. This has not only convinced me but I know that it will convince you too.

Chrolo Vs Hisoka X Cheated

This theory is that when Hisoka came to fight Chrollo he wasn't just fighting Chrollo, but others as well. The reason I agree with this is because the more that I think about it the more it makes sense,  after all, it explains why Hisoka feels that the only way to get a good fight from Chrollo is to eliminate the rest of the spiders. It also explains why he is targeting the spider directly and has not gone after anybody else. After all, if he's not letting his opponents get ready and reach their prime,  or to put it in Hisoka's terms, for the fruit to ripen, why has he not gone after anybody else? After all there are other people that he has had his eye on other than the spider, unless this was something personal and the only way that would be the case is if this was the case.

Feitan X Zoldyck

This theory is that Feitan is a secret member of the Zoldyck family and it is him that Kalluto wishes to bring back home and not Killua. The reason I agree with this theory is because if you look at Feitan and then at Milluki they look like they could be related and then if you examine his personality and facial features, they seem very Killua-like although I have added to this theory.

The addition to this is that when Mr and Mrs Zoldyck found out about Nanika's ability they had taken a child of their own and hidden him among Meteor City in order to ensure the survival of the Zoldyck bloodline should they fall to control Nanika and her ability. Yet of all of them they picked him, who drew the shortest straw. 

I also think that he is not as old as his bio states and I think he is more in his mid teens and his real name is in fact Malluko Zoldyck, from examining the family member structures.

Pariston X Kurta Genocide

This theory is that Pariston Hill had a hand in the slaughter of the Kurta clan. I agree with this because it is exactly what Pariston would do, but at the same time I do think that the Phantom Troupe was mainly responsible.

Oito X Chrollo

This theory is that Oito and Chrolo are siblings. This is because they do look alike and she has stated that she does have a brother. Also they do come from Meteor City.

Friday 10 June 2022

Hunter X Hunter Part Three

 The Biological Theories

(I do not own these images, nor do I own Hunter X Hunter. These are a set of theories I have, take them as seriously as you wish!)

Pitou X Fixed X Palm

This theory is that pre-chimera ant Palm had something wrong with her brain that did not process things right such as brain damage and that Pitou, while she was performing her 'brain surgery', unintentionally fixed it.

The evidence of this is pre-chimera and Palm acted very unstable and her emotions were erratic to a point that she was insane. She did not do her hair and she was anything but calm. She stroked knives and fantasised about killing. Her mind was anything but steady as in the 'date' with Gon (who was twelve to thirteen at the time! May I remind you) she did doll herself up for it, but when Gon tried to calmly tell her that he could not give her what she wanted, she snapped. Then after Killua rescued him, she chased them like the mad woman she was. Then she caused self-harm to activate her power and had a strange love/obsession with Knov, who was the person that stopped her from her pursuit. She also took way too much sugar in her brew. Her mind was all over the place, all telltale signs of some damage of some kind.

Meanwhile, chimera ant Palm only showed any type of that level of insanity was, at the start after she hatched. This came quickly to an end when her head cleared and she acted not only calm but sane too. She seemed clear of thought and nothing of her erratic, pre-chimera ant state of mind. In fact she seemed to be logical and thought of good plans. Even when King Meruem was about to bow to her she showed a great deal of sincerity as she told him to stop. She was also the first to recognise that humans were worse than the chimera ants. She was not only more in control of herself but also her emotions were too.

Now what change had she been through that could cause such a change, aside from becoming a chimera ant was Pitou had performed brain surgery. It would not be a surprise if, after Pitou's research into the brain, she quickly saw this and fixed it before cutting off her emotions, which were restored later thanks to Killua.

Kurta X Blood X Scarlet Eyes

This theory is that all of the Kurta clan's eyes have a vane alignment in their eyes that, when their blood reaches a specific pressure, such as when one is feeling excited emotions, the vanes cause the natural born eye colour to be overridden by the colour of their blood.

The evidence is, the fact that this wonder is genetic and the colour which is the colour of blood. Then when you feel any kind of excitement be it neutral or negative your heart beats differently and the blood pressure is different when you are neutral. 

Friday 3 June 2022

Hunter X Hunter Part Two

 The Present Theories

(I do not own these images, nor do I own Hunter X Hunter. These are a set of theories I have, take them as seriously as you wish!)

Hisoka X Heavens Arena X Lie

This theory is basically, Hisoka lied to Gon and Killua when he met them in the hallway of the 200th floor of Heavens Arena, when he said that he had been stalking both boys and had timed everything so that he would be ready for them. What I think happened was that Hisoka got so turned on after the Hunter Exam, after seeing so much potential and strength that he needed a release. So he went directly to Heavens Arena to get his fix. Mainly because he probably thought that he would not contain himself once he saw Chrolo. Then during his time he heard about three kids at Heavens Arena and wanted to check them out (for the future) so, when he saw that it was Gon and Killua he knew that they would be getting to the 200th floor sooner or later. So he waited for them in order to protect them from what was to come and the whole 'stalking you tale' was just to tease them.

The reason I think this is because, even though Gon was successful in rescuing Killua, how would Hisoka know that they would be going to Heavens Arena? I know that he said that he was able to find out that they had bought their tickets on the internet, but why would he be looking at their spending history? Not to mention, he did not fight just Gon in Heavens Arena but he fought against Kastro too? So why did he not wait until Gon had won his first fight? Unless he really needed to get his downstairs tapped and when it did, he left immediately. Why not stick around for more when he clearly still had time to? After all Gon and Killua still had time to spend a month at least on Whale Island! Not to mention, Heavens Arena is probably the closest thing that Hisoka has to a home so why not stay until it was time to leave for York New City? 

Unless he got what he came for and that was a fight that satisfied him so that he would be calm enough to control himself when he saw the boss.

Gon X Deduction X Greed Island

This theory is that Gon figured out everything that Killua did and more. Here is what I think, I think that Gon figured out everything that Killua did and more way faster. I think the moment that Bisky said that Hisoka was lying,  Gon's deductive brain starred, during this time he figured out that the Phantom Troupe was on Greed Island and from that he would have figured out that Hisoka probably used Chrolo's name as a message to them that he was working for Chrolo. This naturally would have led boom to deduce that Chrolo would have promised him a fight if he could find a nen exorcist and this would have led him to believe that the exorcist would have been on Greed Island. (Yet he would not have figured out he had met the exorcist) This would have also led him to believe that Hisoka would have met up with the Phantom Troupe in order to deliver the message.

The reason that Gon said nothing was; one, he was afraid of chasing off Hisoka and knew that if he was to get past Razer he would need Hisoka, two, he did not have any mercy for Chrolo or the Phantom Troupe,  such as when he got Amery and called out both Nobunaga and Chrolo and three,  if it came down to it, Gon would rather Hisoka kill Chrolo and not Kurapika. After all, he did say he did not want his friend to become a murderer. 

The reason I think this is because Gon is not as much of an idiot as people around him think that he is, after all, even though his naïvety does come out whenever his mouth can get him into trouble,  he has shown plenty of inelegance throughout the manga and animé such as his catch of the king of the lake, on the boat to the Hunters Exam, getting the spider eagle eggs, thinking of a way to hey out of Trick Tower and trailing and obtaining Hisoka's badge and deducing when his Aunt Mito lies to him. Also when he landed a punch on Hisoka. He even figured out when he should go in order to audition for Greed Island too!

Yet despite what Hisoka says Gon is actually good at keeping certain secrets, such as knowing that his Aunt Mito had lied to him about his father abandoning him and how age obtained custody over him for at least two years before she even told him the truth. Probably because he did not want to upset her as she was a mother to him. He also kept the fact that the Phantom Troupe was still in York New City secret from Kurapika so that he would not go after them and focus on looking for his clan's stolen scarlet eyes.

Also, if you think that Gon is not capable of such cold logic, then go back to the old lady before the Hunter's Exam and you will see that even back then he was thinking about weighing two different lives! Then in the battle with Genthru he showed this, but when this ice cold logic is on display is throughout the Chimera Ant arc.

Also, why did Gon ask Hisoka to see his contacts for Tsuzgerra when, logically, he should have his name in his contacts as he was the first of the group to enter the game?

Chrolo X Neon X Scarlet Eyes

This theory is that some time after the Greed Island arc Chrolo gave Neon the stolen scarlet eyes that he had in his possession.

The reason is,  it was said that he got a pair of scarlet eyes from a teenage girl and she is the only one that makes sense, but what does not make sense is the fact that she even has the eyes as the eyes that she did have were nothing but a copy created by Kortopi. So the only logical conclusion is that sometime Chrolo gave her the ones he stole either out of guilt for taking her powers and her current situation or gratitude for putting his mind at ease about Uvo's death.

Then during her death she gave them over to Kurapika.