Friday 8 July 2022

Hunter X Hunter Part Seven

Other Theories

(I do not own these images, nor do I own Hunter X Hunter. These are a set of theories I have, take them as seriously as you wish!)

These are theories that I have but not much evidence for or are just silly.

Pariston is Gyro and an excommunicated member of the Spider. Also he is using Kurapika as a weapon against them. The reason I think this is because one, we know nothing of his past and it would be well within his character to play multiple sides and the guy dresses like a prince. Then Mr Togashi does say that it is Gyro's goal to spread evil, which Pariston seems to do while having fun. Also you know that there's a bottomless pit, a void of darkness in his happy-go-lucky eyes. Which would provide Welfin with a tragedy ahead of him. 

Now on the topic of Pariston being an excommunicated member of the Spider, this is what I think was an interesting theory but it would give him a reason to have some involvement in the extermination of the Kurta, such as telling Chrollo their location, mainly because I think he always knew that the man wanted to get his hands on the Scarlet Eyes. This would give him the opportunity to save one of them to use as a weapon against the Spider and he chose Kurapika and manipulated him so that he would be in the position to get out long enough for him to survive.

Chrollo is a secret Kurta unknown to him. Also when he finally understands himself everyone will be in danger. The reason is we have never seen him get to the emotional point that would activate the Scarlet eyes and both men have similar features. Not to mention Mr Togashi does like to put his characters in situations that challenge them in order to make them grow and revealing this to Kurapika world cause this kind of growth. Also this would put Kurapika in the position would mean that killing Chrollo would also mean that he would be having to kill the last living Kurta.

Then on the topic of Chrollo understanding himself will lead to something bad. The reason this is because Mr Togashi is great at creating tension and subverting expectations (in the good way GOT S8) such as the Adult Gon moment. Yet he also places in enough clues to see the twist coming, if you were paying attention. Which is why I think that Mr Togashi brought up his ideology and the fact that he can't understand himself without it paying off later. As we all know, when he pays things off usually it is completely shocking and he does it well.

Mr Togashi is teasing us with a reveal of Hisoka's downstairs or his true measurements down there. This is because there have been three Hisoka nude scenes, one in Heaven's Arena energy we saw his upper body,  the next,  also Heaven's Arena where we saw his entire break and the last in a river in Greed Island where we saw all but his jewels.

There will be an anti-Phantom Troupe that will be formed, just think of Hunter X Hunter's answer or equivalency of the Order Of The Phoenix or Dumbledor's Army. The reason is because Mr Togashi seemed to have created a group of people who have it out for the Phantom Troupe and I would find it an interesting idea.

Even though Chrolo and Kurapika will be killed along with two more, some of the Spider will live on. This is because of the prophecy about the victory of the Spider even though their limbs will be cut in half which means that half of the support will be killed in their great battle, however due to the ideology of the Phantom Troupe, in that all limbs are replaceable. Such as the fact that anyone who kills a Spider can qualify to become a Spider. However if there is a vacancy it will be up to Chollo to replace them, yet even he has put it in place that if he is killed then one of the Spider can replace him. So even if one Spider survives then the Phantom Troupe will live on. Which I think the prophecy means this will happen and put Chrollo at ease about his death.

Greed Island is foreshadowing the events of the Dark Continent. The reason I think that this is because in the beginning of the Greed Island Arc Gon wanted to go to Greed Island but was rejected because his nen was not at the point that would allow him to qualify for the mission. He also couldn't prove he was a professional hunter because he pawned his license off in the previous arc. Yet when Gon wanted to get to the Dark Continent he couldn't because he couldn't use nen anymore, because he traded that in to kill Pitou. Yet this had a hopeful side (sort of) which could mean that Gon will be able to get the usage of his nen back and he will be stronger than he was. I also think that the events will play out similarly to Greed Island but in a much bigger way.

These are the theories I have at the moment. As Hunter X Hunter goes on I will have more. I just wanted them to get out there so maybe others could look at them and see if there are more pieces of evidence for or against these theories. Thank you for your time and reading and sharing them.

Friday 1 July 2022

Hunter X Hunter Part Six

 The Royal Guard

(I do not own these images, nor do I own Hunter X Hunter. These are a set of theories I have, take them as seriously as you wish!)

These theories are mainly a what if and that is what I would think would most likely happen if King Meruem died but the Royal Guards survived, but before he did he told to or were not in the position to avenge him.


Let's get the darkest one out of the way. I think that Pouf would have eventually fallen into a crazed depression, telling himself every night that he was nothing but a failure. This would then lead to him becoming more and more insane as his mind would spiral further and further in this depressed insanity. He would be filled with nothing but disgust and self loathing. This would then lead him to having suicidal thoughts and tendencies as he would find it almost unbearable to live with himself. Eventually all of that would continue to lead him to acting upon it. Then he would do this within a year.


I think that he would be far better off than the other two. I think that he would have become 'adopted' by Knuckle and Morel. I think that of all those there, he would connect well with them and they would connect well with him. I thermo they would help him get over his grief and he will enjoy his time with them. Travelling with them on their many misadventures and having fun. I think that he would not only fit in with them but also find a home with them. I also think that he will be happy until his death. 

Although I do think that he would sometimes butt heads and argue with Knuckle every now and again but I think that Morel would break them up almost like a parent breaking up some misbehaving children. Yet I think that he would grow and live a good and full life. Don't with a smile on his face feeling completely satisfied with life and don't with no regrets.


I think that she would feel the grief which Gon would get angry at, yet I think that they would bond over their grief, for Gon it would be over Kite, for Pitou it would be for her king. During this time I think she would come to empathise with the boy and show him comfort, instead of what happened. I also think that during this time Gon would also recognise that her apology was genuine and would come to forgive her.

Then when it was revealed that there was a girl that was born after the king she would want to know more. Then when it was revealed to be Kite she would follow Gon and meet up with Kite and would give a whole hearted apology for what she did. She would then probably, in her apology, would dedicate her life to serving Kite. 

During which I do honestly think that Kite would forgive her before she would even dare to.  I also think that during this time she would most likely tell Colt about what happened to King Meruem and I do think that they would develop an understanding. Yet I do think that there would be some type of awkward tension between them. Yet I think this would fade during the later end of their lives and I do think by this time she would take the steps into forgiving herself for what she did until shortly before she died she would have finally forgiven herself.