Monday 11 March 2019

Why I Think That The Holmes Siblings Are Still Telling Themselves A Better Story

I would highly recommend that you watch these theories by one of my favourite YouTube fan theorists, The Theorizer before you continue here's the links to part one and two to them ( 1: & 2: now to my theory; he is only half right. More specifically that Jim Moriarty is Victor Trevor, the part that he is Sherlock's twin and he is still alive.
Now let me begin by what I think, I do not think that Eurus is a Hela but an Itachi, a scapegoat for what really happened. Then there was the fact that Sherlock was more closer to Eurus than Eurus was to Sherlock. Then there was the fact that Trevor could be a sir name but it is also a forename, which could also be a middle name and there was the bizarre absence of his parents. Now if Stephen Moffat or Mark Gatiss is reading this do not give the whole “He blew his brains out” bull, for there was a seriously lack of grey matter coming from the back of his head.
Here is what I think, Victor Trevor is actually Victor Trevor Holmes, Sherlock's evil twin, who used their pirate games to help him prepare for his world wide criminal empire and to groom Sherlock into being his partner in crime. Meanwhile telling Eurus that he was going away soon and he was taking Sherlock with him, which was where she got her abandonment issues from. Then he also instilled fear into Mycroft.
Now on the night when he was going to leave to start his criminal empire he showed Sherlock his true colours and he did this in front of every one of his family and when Sherlock did not go with him Victor left making Sherlock feel betrayed. This is why I think that Sherlock really closed himself off.
After all if you were his age and if your sister killed your best friend, the moment that Sherlock started to tell himself a better story, he would start opening himself up more and more and even further when he wrote out Eurus altogether.
Then after I think, because Eurus loved Sherlock and her family she did not want them to have to deal with that pain, so here's what I think, you know how Sherlock told himself not just one but two better stories, (1: Redbeard was a dog that had to be put down, 2: Redbeard was a dog that his sister killed) what if the third story “the truth” was also a better story? What if he learnt this technique from his sister who told him, Mycroft and his parents that Victor Trevor was not Sherlock's twin brother but his best friend and that she killed him?
Then what if she further instilled this story by writing the poem about him knowing that Sherlock would never solve it. And what if the fear that Mycroft had of his sister, was not from his sister but his other brother that he projected onto Eurus after she made him forget the truth. And then what if during all of this she gathered up all of the evidence of Victor Trevor's existence, like birth records, doctor's notes excreta and lit up that house fire to destroy it? I mean that would not only help instil the story that she told but would also make sure that there would not be a chance for them to remember anything about Victor Trevor. Finally all she would have to do would be to hypnotise herself into believing the tale that she told, after all she would know that, as a child, she would most likely than not crack under the pressure or let slip the truth.
I also think that he was able to hide in the foster system and got himself adopted into a family that he knew would he able to prime him to start to set up he criminal empire.
Then there's the bones, what if they're the bones are the bones or Carl Powers? Now I know that the idea sounds strange, but here is the thing, why did Moriarty bring to Sherlock's attention that cold case? Well here's what I think, Moriarty was trying to tell Sherlock who was really down that well. After all, if I am right, then with the genius Moriarty would, one, know the sleeping patterns of all of the Holmes and all he would need to do would be able to sedate his adopted family, take their car on a joyride. Dig up the body and put the soil back in a way making not even the grave digger suspect that the soil had been disturbed. Drive to the Holmes family push the body down the well and drive home and clean out the car. After that when the sun comes up and the Holmes and Moriarty families would wake up and none the wiser. Then all Moriarty would need to do, would need to do would blame his tiredness on a nightmare.
Now I know what you are wondering, why would Moriarty want to do this? Well he probably knows what Eururs did and he would have deduced that this was for the better. After all, now he would not have anybody else out looking for him, which would mean that he can set up his criminal empire without any distractions or hindrances.
Now another thing that just occurred to me, what if he killed his adopted brother, not out of envy but so that he would be the sole hair of the Moriarty family, after all you can not inherit things when you're dead, which could also explain where he got his funding from.
Now I do have another what if, which is that, you know in the Christmas special in Sherlock's mind Moriarty was a maths professor, now I know that the show's producers like to play fast and far with the cannon of the books, but they do tend to stick as close as they can to those books, so what if he still is a maths professor and what if that was where he started his criminal empire?
Now that would make a lot of thing make more sense, after all it would hardly be any stretch of the imagination with a brain like his Moriarty would be able to potentially become the youngest Maths professor in the country and which would explain why in Sherlock's mind he's a maths professor. Which could indicate that maybe, the cabby, Shan, Irene, Charles Augustus Magnussen could have been students of his and if so then that would mean that there would be a lot of things that would fall into place.
Another thing that I agree with the Theorizer is that Moriarty was the one that put Sherlock on Charles Augustus Magnussen's scent, but I do not think that it's to keep him distracted. I think that it is because he knew what that would lead to, Sherlock getting compromised. Now why would he want to do that? Well what if he really is then what if Mycroft was getting too close to that very truth and if that is the case, then Moriarty may not want to let that cat out of the bag just yet, and if Mycroft ever did then he would have have something to keep him quiet.
Now, here's another thing that had accorded to me during typing this, in the first scene he was in he manipulated Sherlock into exposing his cold-hearted manipulative ways to the women who loves him, Molly Walker. Just go back and watch that again and you will see it, and in my opinion sowed the seed that led to Molly seeing Sherlock for who he truly was. Now why would he do that? Well I think that he wanted to insulate Sherlock.
Then what if in that first episode Moriarty was trying to trigger Sherlock's true memories, like for instance, the Carl Powers case, he was trying to tip Sherlock off of who's truly in that well, the Jonas cars, telling him how he got the body there and also tipping him off that he was alive, him coming in hoping to be recognised by Sherlock, then there was the pool scene, when Moriarty made John say throttle a gear three times, maybe that was what they said when they were kids. Even the final episode when Moriarty said I O U and focused in on Hansel and Gretel, as if he was saying follow the bread crumbs home and what if the I O U is in fact a well, now if you put the O on top of the U and if the I represents depth.
Now let's get back to Eurus and Moriarty, when The Theoriser pointed out in that flash back how she recognised him as Redbeard, well I think that she was thinking 'So you are alive'. Almost as if she did not know that he was alive. Now here's another what if, what if it was not the one who set up that meeting, what if it was Moriarty himself? Now how? Well all he would need to do would be type the right things at the right time to manipulate her subconsciously to ask for him for five minutes and by the time it comes to her conscious mind she would make it think that it was her idea. And what if during those five minutes he told her the truth and what if the entire set up of the final episode was her testing weather or not her memories were true. So all she needed to to was set up the same circumstances to her memories. Then when Sherlock appeared her true memories returned. After all just go back to her face when Sherlock hugs her. It was the look of shock or horror and look how tightly she hugs him almost as if she is afraid to lose him.
Now those final moments well what if during that time that Sherlock was playing the violin she was processing her shock and horror, I do need to point out that all the Holmes siblings are introverts so they would not express their emotions in the same way, if at all as most people. So during that time she was processing and I think that the moment that she saw her family together happy and as psychologically sound as they could be, when that moment that she smiled she had felt like it was worth it. All that pain, all that loneliness and all that trauma, was worth it. In her mind that would be her happily ever after...unless Moriarty was still alive.
Now I don't know the next time when I'll be posting a theory but next week will be the next arc of Princess Cari so see you when I see you B.A.C.C.M.M.L.A.Ters and Yami Shorters!

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