Sunday 27 May 2018

Heroes: Why I Think That Sylar Is Self Aware

Image result for turns out you're the villain peter heroes

Well if this picture doesn't sell it to you I can't say I know what will! Although, I do have even more evidence. One; Sylar always seems to go to know where he needs to go to either kill someone or where the next seine is to take place.
Then there is the fact that everything just seems to ultimately falls into his hands, especially in the first season. Like for instance when he overheard what Peter, Ted and Noah were talking about in one of the final episodes of the first season.
Then there was the moments where he would go from a bad guy and good guy every now and again almost as if he had read the script. Sometimes he would go from having as little conscience that it would see that one would think that he would have none, and then another episode he would be questioning his morality, especially in the fourth season.
Then there is back to the picture I know that I might be taking it out of context but this could be him directly referencing that he knows that he is the villain in a T.V. series that is trying to be a like a comic, thus he acts like it. Then when as the series goes on then, if what I am suggesting is true then he would know that he would have fans and to keep them then he would know that he would have to show some sort of redemption as to get more.
Then there is the fact that he just appeared in that final episode almost as if he came out of nowhere. So, \I know that it has been short but that is why I think that Sylar is self aware. Next week I will be posting part two of The Weather Incarnates; Black Weather. I don't know what will be my next theory like this, but in a fortnight I will be doing some loopy theories, which I came up with but I don't have that much evidence for and I hope that other theorists will be able to find more than the scraps of evidence that I have at the moment. So, see you next week Yami Shorters and B.A.C.C.M.M.L.A.T.ers, see you in a fortnight and God bless you!

Sunday 13 May 2018

Why I Think That Heroes Reborn Is Filler

First of all, I do have to say; what was Tim Kring thinking when he brought out this series? I mean not only did it miss the mark on many things, but even-though, it may have looked good on paper, that would have only looked good on paper. The characters that were introduced were, apart from Miko were forgettable. Then the plot was just plain poor and just as much thought out. Then there was the fact that the series alienated it's viewers by not having a transition between the moment that Claire came out with her jump from the ferris wheel and what happened on the first episode. Now that I have got that out of the way, let me prepose that the reason why Heroes Reborn was terrible was because, it was filler?
For those of you who don't know what filler is, it it where, on a TV series (more commonly in anime' TV series) the source material has ether run out or is too short for an episode. Then those in charge will add filler, to get the episode episode length or create a new story to have the viewers to watch as they wait for more of the source material to come out. This usually has no lasting impact nor does it have any consequences for the rest of the series.
Now let's get back to the theory, first the the flaws (and I will be finding ways that they may not be). The deaths of Noah and Claire Bennet, Mohider and (possibly) Hiro. Now, all of these deaths could all be easily resolved, for Noah, we never saw his corpse, of course he died on screen but here is the thing, all he needs it another immortal to deliver blood to resurrect him. Claire's death could have easily been faked. We never saw Mohinder nor Hiroes' deaths, nor their corpses.
Then there is the fact that there is additional content to Heroes Reborn. Such as the games and the novels, but again the additional content could become non cannon, after all Star Wars did it. Then there is the new characters, who may have been forgettable, because they were designed to be forgettable. (If you find more then comment them below)
Now the pros of my theory. The whole thing seems worse than season two and the characters all seem to be cheep carbon cut-outs of previous with the only redeeming new characters Miko and Ren which was a very good couple, too bad that one died. Which would make sense, if it was a filler and the returning characters. Then there was the last scene where Angela Petrelli, after having a previous scene where she was aged and her hair was white, was back before Hiro's time travel that caused the two to be stuck there. So the question is how?
Now that I have that out of the way, the question is why would it be? Well, what if Tim Kring had been planning a true come back? What I mean by that is by getting the old band back together and continuing the plot where Heroes left off, or have that transition episode? So, when that would have happened, this would mean that Tim Kring could ditch Heroes Reborn and bring Heroes back for good.
Now this is my theory, and this is the only one, for unlike the Jelsa theory, I feel that I hardly need any more posts than this. So now you know why I think that Heroes Reborn is filler. So next week I will be working on the second arc of my Weather Incarnates, which is Black Weather, then I might be covering another theory on Heroes, about Sylar. So, see you in a fortnight B.A.C.C.M.M.L.A.T.ers and Yami Shorter! Remember to click on the adds and the Lord Jesus bless you!

Sunday 29 April 2018

Why I Think That A Jelsa Movie Is A Better Idea Than You Think... Final Part

Last Touches And Conclusion

So, as to follow from last fortnight (don't know what that is google it), with Pitch Black. Now he could act as the catalyst to the plot. Maybe he could turn the children of Arendelle's dreams into nightmares in order to use them to force Queen Elsa to fight Jack Frost. The reason could be simply to have Pitch use another ice magic user to take Jack out, but still, this will lead to a good fight scene.
Pitch could also use the fears of each of the Frozen characters to isolate them or Queen Elsa or both? Not to mention that he would have plenty of fears to play with and this would be a good opportunity for even more character development by using these fears and finding a way to overcome them. Honestly the script will write/type itself!
This could even lead to the caption; How far will the Guardians rise and how for will a Queen go to protect her kingdom? Just imagine that in a deep voice in the trailers! Speaking of which, just imagine what they would look like and the fight scene!
Now, the conclusion; the characters compliment each-other, the plot will be interesting regardless of what happens, the money will be coming fast and their shared history proves it and their rivalry will make the movie the best that it could possibly be. So that is why I think a Jelsa movie is a better idea than you think...
It has been a good journey for me writing this and thank you for reading this and joining me. I must admit that I really wasn't sure about starting B.A.C.C.M.M.L.A.T.S but I am glad that I did. I am am also grateful for Jesus for the internet and the opportunity of having this blog and I am grateful for your loyalty. I know that this is short but sometimes that is what this final segment needs.
Next week will be the final part of Weather Incarnates Gathering, next theory will be about why I think Heroes Reborn just might be filler. So see you later B.A.C.C.M.M.L.A.Ters! God bless you!

Sunday 15 April 2018

Why I Think That A Jelsa Movie Is A Better Idea Than You Think...Part 5

Why I Think They Both Might Be Begging For A Crossover

I'm sorry all I can do is keep you cold- Jack Frost
The cold never bothered me anyway-Queen Elsa
I start with these quotes that I started this whole theory series with because I would like to remind you of them and their significance. I will also, like I said end on a cliffhanger which will blow all of your minds, just like it did mine! Now if you haven't already take a seat, get a bar of dark chocolate (which it quite healthy) and a nice hot brew (or a can of Coke or Pepsi) now prepare yourself. This is going to be a long one!
Now I will start at the main characters, Jack Frost and Queen Elsa. Jack Frost, as we all know is all about snowballs and fun times, meanwhile, Queen Elsa id more about hard work and deadlines, even-though Disney is trying to show her 'fun' side, which to me (may not be for you) comes off as she is trying to over compensate for her lack of being in her sister's life all those years that she spent shutting her out. Meanwhile Jack Frost comes off as a lot more genuine showing off his fun side, despite the fact that he has a serious side.
Now imagine if they were in the same room, their personalities would compliment each-other so well. While Jack Frost would be joking and fun Queen Elsa would be able to correct him in her reserved way whenever he would take a joke too far. He would be able to bring her out of her ice and he would bring a more mature side out of him. This would also make the fun Queen Elsa seem less forced and more like natural character development because of her time with Jack and she would also pick up tips from him on how to control her powers.
Now Jelsa shippers, there is another thing that I think that Queen Elsa will be able to do, help Jack deal with his younger sister's death ether at the hand of old age or disease which would also open up other types of character development.
Now that I have dealt with the ship now is the time to focus on other characters that will also get along with each-other in different ways.
Princess Anna, Tooth with their light-hearted positivity and bubbly nature. These two would get along like a house on fire with their dangerous ideas without any form of common sense attached.
No need to say, Santa and Olaf with his naive wonder, and the fact that he's a snowman and Santa lives in the North Pole.
Sven and Sandy with their mute mischievous nature would get up to no good, and, probably give an idea or twenty.
Finaly, Kristoff and the Ester Bunny with their strait talking, sarcasm and pessimism. Bringing some, well needed common sense. I would also think that Bunny would let out a nervous laugh when he finds out what Queen Elsa froze the summer knowing that she had just unintentionally given him an idea.
I also believe that there would be an opportunity to address who would ship them on screen, however somehow I don't think that Kristoff or the Ester Bunny would be the ones that would. On the other hand I do feel that Princess Anna and Santa would most likely be the ones that would.
Anyway, now to close as always thank you for reading this and I feel like I'm forgetting something... Urm....Oh yeah leave a comment below, share and like. Sill I can't help feel like I'm over looking something or someone important...
Oh yeah, Prince Hans and the Buggy Man, Pitch Black! They should get along but that was not the final nail in the coffin. No that was what Grand Pobby said to Queen Elsa herself when she was a child. 'There is great beauty in your power,but fear will be your enemy' Now I will have to ask you, (put down your brew and snack down now) who is the embodiment of fear?

Monday 26 March 2018

Why I Think That A Jelsa Movie Is A Better Idea Than You Think...Part 4

The Noveliseations

Well, all I can say is that both are pretty accurate, although, Frozen takes a few liberties here and there, however both are worth the read, especially it you want to know what Frozen would be like without the songs. They will give you a different prospective on things and you have got to read them to know what I mean.
Now onto why I wanted to cover them, one, because they are accurate they would be able to tell a much more accurate account of what happens, and they would be able to get ideas on future novels based on the films that they will do in the future.
Two, because I felt that I needed to because I know that the film will have a novel. So that would help give me an idea on what the novel would look like, this I must admit maybe the most weakest point of the Jelsa movie, but even that is hardly what I call a true weakness.
Now I know that it has been probably the most shortest post thus far but still, I felt that I had to do this. Now I will be reviewing Thor Ragnarök then it will be the next instalment of The Weather Incarnates: Gathering, Tornado, then I will return to this theory with; Why I Think They Both Might Be Begging For A Crossover (That will end on a cliffhanger and if you pay attention to the trolls you will know why) and if you can figure it out tell me in the comments below. God bless you and have a blessed week B.A.C.C.M.M.L.aters!

Sunday 4 March 2018

Why I Think That A Jelsa Movie Is A Better Idea Than You Think...Part 3

 If There Was A Stand Alone Movie

If there was a stand alone movie both DreamWorks and Disney would want it to succeeded and to show off to the other why exactly ether or are the best. They would be getting their best ideas out to make sure the movie was the best and they would want to have something to boast about. They would be making the best film that they could make.
They would carefully think and speak about the plot and where the plot would want to go, what themes would be in the film. They would be very careful where the plot goes, with characters, their designs and their development. They would want to make them the best characters that they could think of! Their design would be the best thing that they could animate.
They would also want to show off their techniques to prove that they are the best. As the development goes on, then, they would make sure that the chosen voice actors and actresses were at their best and were the best for their characters. They would even take care in choosing the cast too. They would be pushed to their best and they would manipulate their voices to suite the characters that they think that would be best.
If there was going to have any songs, regardless of who wrights the lyrics or how they are written but all I can say is that they will be good songs that will be guaranteed to get suck in your head like, Move It, Let It Go and You're Welcome! Now that that's suck in your head point proven!
Then they would market this movie they would make sure that it would become a hit...The movie, not the song...but they would make sure that's a hit too...Anyway, they would then make sure that while the film's in the movies it would continue to claw in more money by making it so notable that when we go then we would use word of mouth, or word of type these days.
Finally when the film was on DVD we would want to buy it...and they would be richer. However if it's a flop then they would know that their reputation would do the same. If this happened then both would probably go back doing whatever they were doing...While we would interpret this in our own way and whatever way we do then that could mean a new dark age for Disney and DreamWorks.
Wow, I did not expect that I would end it on that note...Anyhow, next week I will be writing a review of Yu-Gi-Oh! Dark Side Of Dimensions, the week after I will be writing my next instalment of the Weather Incarnates: Gathering so look forward to that Yami Shorters, and finally I will be covering the novels and that one to will be a short post. Now if I do not post assume that I am ill and be patient for the Monday after. Thank you for taking your time to read this and for following me. God bless you!

Monday 19 February 2018

Why I Think That A Jelsa Movie Is A Better Idea Than You Think...Part 2

 How Rivalry Could Play A Part...

This is going to be split into three sections;
  1. How Rivalry Could Tare The Film Apart
  2. Why They Would Not Do This
  3. How Rivalry Could Make The Film A Smash Hit
So you'll be able to look at what you want but I think that I should start at the pessimistic scenario. That way, we can get it out of the way so that we can focus on the good scenario. So any way, I will get on with it.
How Rivalry Could Tare It Apart;

Well, let's imagine that they got together and they ended up arguing about what they wanted to do until they leave the meeting with a huff without any plot. They could do this for a few weeks or months until they just give up and go home without any movie.
Another way that things could go sideways is by just filling the movie with fan service without paying any attention to how the plot shout play out and has an ending that would not do what this kind of movie would call for.
Another way that this could go sideways is by just getting the film together and get it out just do get it out of the way and move back to their own things. In this scenario the film would be rushed and it would be visually obvious.

Why They Would Not Do This;

Simple answer YOU. You would know if these companies would put out a film to die. You would know if they hadn't have at least tried to put their hearts into the film. You would know fan service when you saw it and you would expect them to come up with a good plot. You would know if the movie would be rushed because you are that eagle eyed. Hell some of you can spot Easter eggs like Tooth spots teeth or Sven spots carrots!
With that in mind, they would know this and they would feel your pressure to make sure that the movie is good. They would also know that if they did not at least try to make a good movie it would be a bad reflection on them. They would also know that this would then lead the all important income-I mean fans leaving and them loosing that all important pay cheque-I mean reputation. Thus ending up like 4 Kids.
So to wrap this part up if they did try this then both Disney and DreamWorks reputation will take a hit, they would hear what you had to say and so they would want to avoid tearing the film apart.

How Rivalry Could Make The Film A Smash Hit!

Well let me star by saying this, when two rivals get together, you know thing major in going to go down! For they would want the film to do well, they would want to out do the other by bringing their best ideas to the table for the movie. Then they would also be trying to make the best ideas of the others better.
Then when they're finished, they'll then be doing their advertising. With that and word of mouth/ word of typing (usually social media) the presence of the movie will be known. With everyone talking, and the advertising, this would give way to curiosity. Then after the film is released there would be an audience. This audience will continue the talking until more people come.
...Oh, and the brands names too! Can't forget about that!

Anyway, sorry that this is a week late, I was ill. So thank you for your patience and if you're a Yami Storter see you next week with the next instalment of the Weather Incarnates and if you're a B.A.C.C.M.M.L.ater you'll see me in two weeks with the next instalment of this theory, which will be a short view on what a solo movie would be like.

Monday 29 January 2018

Why I Think That A Jelsa Movie Is A Better Idea Than You Think... Part 1

 History of the Disney and DreamWorks

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It may surprise you to know that Disney wasn't always called just Disney, just like Facebook was originally called The Facebook, back when it was in it's early days it was called the Disney Brothers Cartoon Studio! It wasn't until Walt's brother, Roy was the one who suggested to call it the Walt Disney Studio, which started out with their Alice Comedies until 1927.
He then moved onto cartoons and he invented Oswald the lucky rabbit but because of the fact that he did not have the rights to him and some backstabbing on the company that he belonged to, he lost that character, but fortunately the company was able to get him back. This caused Walt to set up his own, somewhat humble, studio, but as the company grew out grew this one causing him to look some place else. Enter Hyperion Studio! Then Walt came up with the one, the only, Micky Mouse! Now because he actually owned Mr Mouse, he didn't have to worry about any backstabbing.

'The Golden Age'

In 1934, Walt Disney wanted to do an animated move, which had been met with sceptics but Walt's enthusiasm silenced them and got them on board. (Which must have been something to see) This film was Snow White and the Seven Dwarves, which is loosely based on the fairy tale. This was released in 1937 Christmas time. This was the beginning of the Golden Era of Disney. Which were followed be Pinocchio and Fantasia in 1940, Dumbo in 1941 and ended with the heartbreaking Bambi in 1942.

'The Silver Age'

The silver age came after this and lasted until 1966 when Walt Disney died. Which started in 1950, and had films such as; Cinderella, Alice In Wonderland, Peter Pan, Lady and the Tramp, Sleeping Beauty, 101 Dalmatians, The Sword in the Stone and the Jungle book.

'The Bronze Age/ The Dark Age'

This was the darkest period of Disney, which started officially in 1970. Where the people of company were only focused on getting kids into the cinema and the story telling, voice acting and marketing, did little to hide it. The films that were made during this period were; The Aristcats, Robin Hood, Winnie the Pooh, The Rescuers, The Fox and the Hound, The Black Cauldron, The Great Mouse Detective and ended with Oliver and Company, all of which were enjoyable movies in their own right. This dark time of Disney finally came to an end in 1988.

'The Renaissance Age'

This part of Disney started in 1989 with the release of The Little Mermaid. The films in this time were (deep breath!) The Little Mermaid (of course), The Lion King, Aladdin, Beauty And The Beast, Mulan, Pocahontas, Tarzan, Hercules, The Hunchback of Notre Dame and The Rescuers: Down Under! Disney was on a roll. This ended in 1999.
'The Experimental Age'

This part started with the release of Fantasia 2000. The films of this time were (deeper breath!) Fantasia 2000, Dinosaur, The Emperor's New Groove, Atlantis: The Lost Empire, Lilo and Stitch, Treasure Planet, Brother Bear, Home on The Range, Chicken Little, Meet The Robinsons and ended with the film Bolt in 2008. Now you can relax a little.

'The Revival Age'

This part started with the release of The Princess and the Frog in 2009...and is still going on...So the films that are in this period are, (not so quite a deep breath but deep enough!) The Princess and the Frog, Tangled, Winnie The Pooh (Reboot), Wreck-It Ralph, Frozen (The one that's the most important to this theory), Big Hero 6, Zootopia and the recent, Moana.

So now you can see Disney's record of it's films, and you can see that if it was to work with a company like Dreamworks, it would be encouraged to bring only the best on their par to to table. So now for Dreamworks.

Image result for dreamworks founders


Dreamworks was set up by Jeffrey Katzenberg, David Geffen and Speilbreg after a disagreement with Disney. They started with Spin City, The Peacemaker, Amistad, Saving Private Ryan. Their first animated films were, Antz, Prince of Egypt, The Road to El Dorado, Chicken Run and Joseph: King of Dreams. These all were successful but not as successful as their rivals Disney until in 2001, with the release of Shreak which came along which grabbed an award that year.
Then came the films that came after that (deepest breath you can make!), Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron, Shreak 4-D, Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas. Then in 2004, came the first official sequel to be released in all cinemas, Shreak 2, (which I do find it interesting that Shreak 4-D came out first) which, unlike Disney, was a good and well loved sequel (fingers crossed that Frozen 2 will change all that). Then after that there was, Shark Tale, Madagascar, Wallace and Gromit: Curse of the Were-Rabbit, The Madagascar Penguines in a Christmas Cracker a Christmas special, Over the Headge, it's spin-off: Hammy's Boomerang Adventure, Flushed Away, Shreak the Third, the infamous Bee Movie, Shreak the Halls another Christmas special, Kung Fu Panda, the second official sequel Madagascar 2: Escape From Africa, Secrets of the Furious Five, the under-appreciated, Monsters vs Aliens, it's spin-off: Bob's Big Break, A Merry Madagascar (the second Christmas special).
Then came the fourth golden child of Dreamworks, How to Train Your Dragon in 2010 and that was followed by (deeper breath than that!), Shreak Forever After, Legend of the Boneknapper Dragon, Scared Shreakless the first Halloween special, Megamind, Kung Fu Panda Holiday a Christmas special, Kung Fu Panda 2, the Shreak spin-off Puss in Boots, the How to Train Your Dragon shorts: Gift of the Night Fury & Book of Dragons, Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted, Lincoln, (the film that is important to this theory) the one with the slow growing franchise, Rise of the Guardians, The Croods, Turbo, Mr Peabody & Sherman, How to Train Your Dragon 2, Dragons Dawn of the Dragon Races, Penguins of Madagascar the Movie, Home, Kung Fu Panda 3, Boss Baby and Captain Underpants. With How to Train You Dragon 3 being released in 2019, I would not think that it would be appropriate! So sorry.

Whew! Now that you can breathe easily I would like for you to note this, even-though both companies had their lows but when they had their highs they were all on a roll! So if you want to know other things about the companies, click on the link in the brackets ( So as you have well noticed I mainly focused on the films and that it what I wanted to remind you all, they are both brilliant when they find the script that works, well it works! So, if they were to combine forces and say to old grudges, let it go! They would want to make the story work for I am willing to place a bet that when they are trying to purposefully let us down then we will all know, because we have both seen their highs and lows and this is the thing that both Disney and Dreamworks will know and it would damage their reputations to do so.

There will be no review next week so, Yami Shorters, I will see you next week and B.A.C.C.M.M.L.A.T.ers see you in two weeks time when I cover how the current rivalry between both companies could play a part in ether the success or failure of the movie so see you later and God bless you all!

Monday 1 January 2018

Why I Think That A Jelsa Movie Is A Better Idea Than You Think...


Image result for Jelsa

I'm using fair use to use this, however the artist that made this has got to be commended for it is amazing!

I'm sorry, all I do is keep you cold!-Jack Frost, from Rise Of The Guardians.
Cold never bothered me anyway-Elsa from Frozen.
Well if these two quotes don't settle it then I can't say what will (other than Disney and Dreamworks brand name of course), so that's my theory so you can go now...No! Wait! There's more where that came from! Yes I know that some fan girls would probably hate me and others will love me for this but ether way it hardly matters. Yes on the surface what I''l be covering in these posts on the surface will sound like wishful thinking, but by the end of all this series of posts, you'll see that that thinking is far from the truth. I just want this to get out as soon as possible after all I have thought about this theory for a long time and, yes I am a Jelsa supporter, but I want you to know that there is way more to it than what many may think after all it's not just about snow ball 'n' fun times, but so much, much more.
I have decided to split this one into different parts, like some of my Yami Sorts, and I do think that this would be a better way for you to get the best and biggest picture that I can offer right now. (I am human after all!) Even-though that there are people would be able to word or explain things better I will only bring my best.
The parts that I will be;
  • History (How both companies came to be)
  • Story (Mainly the different successes of both)
  • How Rivalry Could Play A Part
  • How A Solo Movie Would Play Out Even If It Is Not A Jelsa Movie
  • Novel Adaptations (Yes I Will Have To Cover That!)
  • Why I Think They Both Might Be Begging For A Crossover (That will end on a cliffhanger and if you pay attention to the trolls you will know why)
  • Any Last Minute Touches

I know that this would be a small post and the first and second parts minus this intro, would be the longest, I think, but the next post will be in two weeks time, which gives me plenty of time to do what I need to. Thank you for reading this intro and I'll see you in the next two weeks if you're a Yami Shorter, but if you're not then see you next week when I post my honest opinion on Tim Kring's Heroes, so see you then BACCMMLATERS!